Jonas Bohr
57 years young
World Record Breaker
Jonas is a Swedish cyclist and entrepreneur who proves that is never to late to start growing young
Jonas sets new WUCA 200 Miles World Record
Watch the video where Jonas talks about how he planned and executed a challenging 200-mile ride in adverse weather conditions, breaking multiple records.
Growing Young – A documentary about my journey towards a world record
“We follow Jonas Bohr, a father of three who started cycling to work just over 10 years ago to keep his developing pot belly in check, and find out what it takes to break a world record and whether it is possible to slow down our ageing.”
Jonas Breaks 5 World Records
WUCA +50 Open Road Jonas Bohr 200 Mile Attempt 8/6 Värnamo – Skillingaryd
Race report 8 June 2024
I had planned this ride for quite some time and was well prepared. What I couldn’t control was the weather and after 4-5 weeks of wonderful summerlike weather this exact date offered just the opposite. It was a quite bad forecast with lots of rain wind and cold temperature. However, due to logistics and many people involved we took the decision to go for it and just try to do our best. And boy was this a challenge. If the forecast was very tough reality was even worse. We started at 10 AM and were hoping for approx. 4 dry hours before expected rain. The course is just a short stretch of 25 k with two 90 degree turns and a roundabout on both ends to make the 180 degree turns. To add up 200 miles, I needed to ride almost 6,5 laps of this 50 km “loop”. The road is a bit uphill going north with about 60 height meters so ideal wind would be from the south to help some uphill and the hope for even speed going south down but with headwind. And we had the wind in the right direction as some comfort in what else was to put it mildly, challenging conditions.
I started off and quite fast, found a heartbeat rhythm of about 134 that felt good and long term sustainable. First lap was quite windy near 47 kph to the turn and the tough head going back but landed a bit over 44 kph for 279 w this was a promising start since my dream ambition was to go under 7 h for 300 k or 7.30 for 200 miles. This requires an av. speed of 43 kph which I at these circumstances expected to be a far stretch. For lap 2 I could increase both the speed and power without raising heartbeat going very fast up to the turn then sky just opened with a heavy rain. Oh no not already I have just ridden for 90 minutes. this will be a LONG HARD DAY. But my body was really in the mood and so was my mind it felt easy pushing 290 w and I remembered screaming to the lord above when it was crazy hard rain. Ok is this the best You got? Hit me with your best shot. You can’t break me today. I rode with strength and confidence and the speed was well over 45 kph for both the second and third lap with power 288 / 296 w still at the same heartbeat
Passed the first WR mark of 100 miles at 3 h 35 minutes and 45 kph and was on par with the all over record pace still feeling great, and kept power high also on lap 4 with 292 w but this lap was slower in speed since the wind picked up even more with a very tough headwind going south. I dropped down to a lap speed of 43.8. but now over 200 k was in the bank, and I was still feeling quite ok though of course all the strain of weather and wind trying to maintain an aerodynamic position getting enough fuel in is starting to take some toll on my body. Out on lap 5 rain is just pouring like a downfall and the headwind going back is now even stronger. I can’t hold either speed or power but no major loss of power on lap 5 is 269 and speed is 42.7 kph. Lap 6 is the same. It’s extremely tough now, and colder just 10 c but I’m also beginning to understand that I will actually pull this off and speed is very high. I have almost 44 kph on average and now only some 20 k to go. When I pass the 300 k mark I do it with 6.50 which is a full 10 minutes under my dream goal of 7 h and I do this in the toughest of conditions. I am extremely cautious in all the turns and roundabouts the last half of this attempt losing quite a lot of speed here but will just take NO RISK in this slippery wet.
The relief when the last roundabout and super tough headwind section was done was just immense. I’m euphoric. Now I just have a tail cruise of 17 k to the 200 mile mark to go and I can do this section with a speed of 45,3 and 271 w and so extremely happy to reach the 200 mile mark in Klevshult, stop and celebrating with the fantastic crew (just imagine riding a motorbike in heavy rain for this event) at almost exact 7 h 20 min with average speed of 43.93 kph 281 w 135 av pulse. I managed to break 5 WR for 100 miles 200 k 6 hours 300 k on the way to 200 miles. I was on par for almost 200 k with the all over record from UltraCycling legend Cristophe Strasser but ended up in this extreme day 11 minutes shy of that. I broke the +50-age group for 200 miles with a full hour. I did this ride nonstop fuelled by predominantly sports drinks around 3,5 liters, 4 large gels and 2 bananas. My goal was to fuel with + 100 g carbs per hour didn’t reach that fully in the cold conditions but not far away.
Some personal data. I am 58 years this December 178 cm, 73 kg, started cycling late in life in my mid 40:s and in the past 12 years training with good quality and continuity to find my limit and how fast I can go? Luckily, I still haven’t got the answer on these questions and on this attempt I rode by fart the strongest performance in power and speed over such a long time. For this challenge I have turned a lot of stones regarding both equipment and position. Using ultra narrow crankset and short arms 155 which I feel have taken my cycling to the next level. Done a lot of testing for equipment and CDA together with professionals and I got this attempt reviewed and measured as in line with the best pro triatletes in the world which is just crazy thing and almost impossible to understand.
My late started journey with cycling has led to so much, almost like a transformation in many aspects of my life and for sure to a very healthy one. If someone told me at 50 that I was going to be stronger and faster at 57 I would have a hard time believing it but now since a few years. I have tried to stop seeing limits and instead believe in progression and in some strange way it seems to work out. I’m developing, despite what would be considered by many as “too old”. Last year there was a documentary released about my journey from a middle-aged beginner to WUCA WR holder. I hope You may find it inspirational, and you can see it now here on my website.
Finally, I can’t thank my fantastic crew enough for making this dream come true. My wonderful wife Kajsa, Peter, Robin, Stefan & Stefan I’m forever grateful for your incredible support.
It’s never too late!

World Record 100K Open Road
WUCA WR 100K Open Road Värnamo – Skillingaryd Loop 2.10.40 average speed 45.93 kph
Race report 1 October 2022
The day for the attempt was a Saturday with gloomy and quite windy chilly autumn weather in Värnamo in the southern part of Sweden. Around 10 degrees Celsius and high risk for rain in the forecast. So far from ideal conditions but everything was set for this date and we had travelled from Stockholm over 400 k so just to dig in and do the best of it.
I started 14.30 according to plan I was riding up north from Värnamo a 25 k stretch to turning point in a roundabout in Skillingaryd. There was a good tailwind from south around 5 m/s in the prognosis and 10 m/s in the gusts, so I had to go very fast the first quarter in my plan to get an advantage for the upcoming headwind. I rode with 315 watts to the first turn felt reasonably good but was a little bit stressed over the pace 46,7 kph as not enough going back down to Värnamo again.
There is a somewhat tricky turnaround with a turn followed by a roundabout, so I dropped down to 46,4 after that. But then I noticed 5 k later I was still at 46,4 and my mood was aroused. The head / sidewind is seemingly not slowing my down. The course has about 60 meters of higher elevation up north it is very flat but leaning somewhat uphill all the way north and this combination seems to make the perfect even speed in both directions this day with uphill tail and downhill headwind going back. I was very thrilled after 40 k at 46,5 kph but just then the sky opened at it was a massive rainshower for 5-10 minutes temperature down even more and I was soaking wet. Still very positive about the performance halfway through and turned around in the roundabout in Värnamo after 50,7 k with for me a clear pb for this distance 46,5 kph and 310 w. Time 1.05 well well ahead of my most optimistic expectations. Especially in these conditions. I was hoping for + 44 speed and in a best scenario 45 but most likely no chance of challenging ultra-cyclist legend Cristhope Strasser’s time of 2.12 minutes 45,3 kph from last year when he broke all existing records from 100 k up to 24 hrs in an almost unbelievable effort with 1020 kilometres in 24 h.
For sure I have no near Strasser’s ultra capacity of going that long so extremely fast (probably no one else has either..) I am also soon turning 56.. But now after half the distance I was well ahead of the first 100 k mark and that really fired me off. What didn’t fire me off was the cold weather and now on the way going back north again I had some trouble holding my bodyheat and energy soaking wet in TT suit 10 c and going almost 50 k speed. My pulse dropped somewhat before and around the last turnaround in Skillingaryd but I was still at 46 average and could now see the end mentally. I tucked down in the headwind home and managed to push a little bit harder the last 15 k to hold the same speed and with enormous joy I could hold the speed to pass the 100-k mark at approx 2.10.30 and 46.0 speed. I came in after two full laps 101.49 k in 2.12.34 official course survey measured a few meters less so it might be 45,9 in official speed but I am out of this world satisfied and pleased with this. For me this was almost an outlier result. I have never been riding so long near this speed my former pb for 100 k was 44,3 kph and be able to pull this off now on a record attempt that I have been working so hard for in these very tough conditions makes me both proud and happy.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the crew my love of my life and wife Kajsa Bohr Peter Hugod and Pär Edgren as officials, driving the following car commentating with deep insights and very funny for fb live broadcast and as timekeepers. We were also astound and oh so grateful for all the help from Värnamo Cycling club who rode with 2 cars in front and warning other traffic keeping the road safe and clear for me all the way. A big thumbs up for all you guys.
Last summer July 10th I set 3 WUCA records in the category outdoor track for 100 k 100 miles and 200 k and to be able to outperform that speed quite dramatically now I year older was really something special to me. Sometimes I use the quote “Its never too late” And I guess it almost never is😊
Av pulse: 145 max pulse 150 (165 100%)
Av watt: 304
Cadence: 89 average
Weight: 71 k height 178 cm
Energy consumption: 200 g carbs 1 liter sportsdrink one gel 2 doses of pre comp formula, caffeine amino acids electrolytes nitrate etc.
Bike: Specialized Shiv TT 2022 Ultegra DI 2 12 speed singlespeed chainring 56 Wheels RAR Magnum Disc back 90 mm front. Tires Continental 25 TT TDF tubeless setup
TT suit: Nopinz FLOW Nopinz shoecovers and long tights for the chilly weather
Helmet: Kask Bambino Pro Evo
All the best ride hard and safe😊 Jonas Bohr

World Record 200K Outdoor Track
World record by Swedish 54-year-old financial entrepreneur
Press release 10 July 2021
Today, Jonas Bohr, 54, broke the world record for 100 km, 100 miles and 200 km Outdoor Track at Volvo’s test track in Hällered outside Gothenburg. Jonas managed to cycle 200 km in 4 hours 37 minutes with an average speed of 43.3 km/h. He was a full 7 minutes faster than the current official record in the 18-49 age group administered by the World Ultracycling Association (WUCA) and smashed his own age group record.
It is an amazing journey that Jonas Bohr has made as he now breaks three world records at the age of 54. Jonas started cycling at the age of 43 and quickly showed impressive results. Despite several serious accidents and injuries, he has always kept going and now here he is as the world record holder for all ages at the age of 54. Jonas still has the potential to develop and is seen today as something of a phenomenon in cycling.
Jonas is an entrepreneur in the financial industry who a few years after 40 was told by his children that he was getting a beer belly and started commuting to work. An impressive journey began in which his physique and performance have continually evolved. You’re never too old to start working out and testing new limits of what your body can handle. Since he started cycling 10 years ago, Jonas has trained continuously for about 1500 miles a year.
“It’s fantastic fun to set a world record at my age. The conditions were tough with strong winds and rain but I felt I had good speed and control for most of the 33 laps on this fantastic outdoor course. A big thank you to my family and everyone who supported me on this journey. And to all of Sweden, it’s never too late to start training and achieve results you never thought possible”.

Contact Jonas Bohr at or +46 070 9320 320